Week 69: Staying Put

So I'll be staying put this transfer. I'm still serving in the Bakersfield 5th Ward and this next transfer will make it 6 months in the area. This is the longest I've stayed anywhere. I'm really happy to be staying, I really want to help the work here. I'll be staying with Elder Owen as well. I won't be surprised if I leave after this transfer so I need to keep making the most of it. It's been a long time since I wrote a mass email but I finally have the time and enough self discipline to write one. I want to talk a little bit about general conference and hearing from the Prophet and Apostles of Jesus Christ here on the earth today. There were many messages that stuck out to me from the conference but I want to highlight a few of the ones that meant the most to me.
The first one I want to highlight was given by Elder M. Joseph Brough. What stood out to me from his message was when that he talked about doing what the Lord wants us to do, even if we don't want to do it. That's not saying to do these things and hate it the whole time. But to choose to do what the Lord is asking you to do, putting his will above your own. I really liked that.
The second one is a quote from a message given on Sunday by Elder Robert C. Gay. He said of Jesus Christ's Atonement, "the power of His Atonement is the power to overcome any burden in our life". That is a very powerful statement and we can feel of its truth by the influence of the Holy Ghost.
Finally, I'd like to highlight a message given by Elder Jack N. Gerard. He said, "if there is anything in your life you need to consider, now is the time". There aren't always big things in our lives that need changing, but if we take the time to access even the small things, we can see big change in our lives over time.
I am extremely lucky to be a missionary. I am learning and experiencing so much. My testimony is growing more simple. That might sound like its not a good thing but I feel that it is becoming more simple because it isn't something I have to explain or prove, it's my testimony. It's what I believe because its what the Spirit has communicated to me through honest prayer and pondering, real scripture study, and meaningfully partaking of the sacrament. I want to be a good guy. I want to do the right things. I want to be who God needs me to be. That means changing some things here and there, and that is always easier said than done. I also know this life is a process and that we aren't meant to be perfect right now. I know that as we try our best to change and rely on our Savior, He will help guide us, He will enable us to overcome, and He will redeem us when we fall short. He is there for us.
Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday a few weeks ago! Thank you to everyone who includes me in their prayers! I appreciate it all so much!
Here are a few pictures!

The first one is one of Elder Holland and I. He is a good friend of mine here now and he will be going home next transfer.

The second one is of Elder Kraft and I. He is another good friend of mine now and he just finished his mission!

The third one there is a few weeks old and it's just what happens sometimes. A casualty of a fun pday haha dont worry Mom, the blood came out of the shirt! Oh, and its healed already and I didnt get stitches!


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